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  2024 (1)
Generic and Automated Drive-by GPU Cache Attacks from the Browser. Lukas Giner; Roland Czerny; Christoph Gruber; Fabian Rauscher; Andreas Kogler; Daniel De Almeida Braga; and Daniel Gruss. In AsiaCCS, 2024.
Generic and Automated Drive-by GPU Cache Attacks from the Browser [pdf]Paper   Generic and Automated Drive-by GPU Cache Attacks from the Browser [link]Poc   link   bibtex   62 downloads  
  2023 (2)
Scatter and Split Securely: Defeating Cache Contention and Occupancy Attacks. Lukas Giner; Stefan Steinegger; Antoon Purnal; Eichlseder Maria; Thomas Unterluggauer; Stefan Mangard; and Daniel Gruss. In 2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, S&P 2023, 2023.
Scatter and Split Securely: Defeating Cache Contention and Occupancy Attacks [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   19 downloads  
Collide+Power: Leaking Inaccessible Data with Software-based Power Side Channels. Andreas Kogler; Jonas Juffinger; Lukas Giner; Lukas Gerlach; Martin Schwarzl; Michael Schwarz; Daniel Gruss; and Stefan Mangard. In USENIX Security, 2023.
Collide+Power: Leaking Inaccessible Data with Software-based Power Side Channels [pdf]Paper   Collide+Power: Leaking Inaccessible Data with Software-based Power Side Channels [link]Info   link   bibtex   5 downloads  
  2022 (1)
Repurposing Segmentation as a Practical LVI-NULL Mitigation in SGX. Lukas Giner; Andreas Kogler; Claudio Canella; Michael Schwarz; and Daniel Gruss. In USENIX Security, 2022.
Repurposing Segmentation as a Practical LVI-NULL Mitigation in SGX [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   17 downloads  
  2021 (1)
Domain Page-Table Isolation. Claudio Canella; Andreas Kogler; Lukas Giner; Daniel Gruss; and Michael Schwarz. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.10876. 2021.
Domain Page-Table Isolation [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   6 downloads  
  2020 (2)
Systematic Analysis of Randomization-based Protected Cache Architectures. Antoon Purnal; Lukas Giner; Daniel Gruss; and Ingrid Verbauwhede. In 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, S&P 2020, 2020.
Systematic Analysis of Randomization-based Protected Cache Architectures [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   9 downloads  
A Robust High-Speed Cache Covert Channel in the Cloud. Lukas Giner. Master's thesis, Graz University of Technology, 2020.
A Robust High-Speed Cache Covert Channel in the Cloud [pdf]Thesis   link   bibtex   43 downloads  
  2019 (3)
Store-To-Leak forwarding: Leaking Data on Meltdown-resistant CPUs. Michael Schwarz; Claudio Canella; Lukas Giner; and Daniel Gruss. arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.05725. 2019.
Store-To-Leak forwarding: Leaking Data on Meltdown-resistant CPUs [pdf]Paper   Store-To-Leak forwarding: Leaking Data on Meltdown-resistant CPUs [link]Info   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Scattercache: Thwarting cache attacks via cache set randomization. Mario Werner; Thomas Unterluggauer; Lukas Giner; Michael Schwarz; Daniel Gruss; and Stefan Mangard. In USENIX Security, 2019.
Scattercache: Thwarting cache attacks via cache set randomization [pdf]Paper   Scattercache: Thwarting cache attacks via cache set randomization [link]Info   Scattercache: Thwarting cache attacks via cache set randomization [pdf]Slides   link   bibtex   5 downloads  
Fallout: Leaking Data on Meltdown-resistant CPUs. Claudio Canella; Daniel Genkin; Lukas Giner; Daniel Gruss; Moritz Lipp; Marina Minkin; Daniel Moghimi; Frank Piessens; Michael Schwarz; Berk Sunar; Jo Van Bulck; and Yuval Yarom. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2019.
Fallout: Leaking Data on Meltdown-resistant CPUs [link]Paper   Fallout: Leaking Data on Meltdown-resistant CPUs [link]Info   link   bibtex   1 download  
  2017 (1)
Hello from the Other Side: SSH over Robust Cache Covert Channels in the Cloud. Clémentine Maurice; Manuel Weber; Michael Schwarz; Lukas Giner; Daniel Gruss; Carlo Alberto Boano; Stefan Mangard; and Kay Römer. In NDSS, 2017.
Hello from the Other Side: SSH over Robust Cache Covert Channels in the Cloud. [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   8 downloads  
  2014 (2)
Determination of Flux-Gate Magnetometer Spin Axis Offsets with the Electron Drift Instrument. Ferdinand Plaschke; Rumi Nakamura; Lukas Giner; Robert Teubenbacher; Mark Chutter; Hannes K Leinweber; and Werner Magnes. EGUGA,6154. 2014.
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Interinstrument calibration using magnetic field data from the flux-gate magnetometer (FGM) and electron drift instrument (EDI) onboard Cluster. Rumi Nakamura; Ferdinand Plaschke; Robert Teubenbacher; Lukas Giner; Wolfgang Baumjohann; Werner Magnes; Manfred Steller; Roy Torbert; H Vaith; M Chutter; and others. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 3(1): 1. 2014.
Interinstrument calibration using magnetic field data from the flux-gate magnetometer (FGM) and electron drift instrument (EDI) onboard Cluster [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
  2013 (2)
Inter-instrument calibration using magnetic field data from Flux Gate Magnetometer (FGM) and Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) onboard Cluster. Rumi Nakamura; Ferdinand Plaschke; Robert Teubenbacher; Lukas Giner; WWolfgang Baumjohann; Werner Magnes; Manfred Steller; Roy Torbert; H Vaith; M Chutter; and others. GEOSCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTATION METHODS AND DATA SYSTEMS, 3(2): 459–487. 2013.
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Magnetic field gradients inferred from multi-point measurements of Cluster FGM and EDI. Robert Teubenbacher; Rumi Nakamura; Lukas Giner; Ferdinand Plaschke; Wolfgang Baumjohann; Werner Magnes; Hans Eichelberger; Manfred Steller; and Roy Torbert. EGUGA,EGU2013–10287. 2013.
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